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Wood Rose Academy seeks to develop in each student the will to strive for excellence, the desire to continue educating oneself throughout life, and a sense of wonder for all of God's creation (essence, existence, unity, and all that is good, true, and beautiful).
This objective will be accomplished through a comprehensive and integrated classical curriculum faithful to the transmission of our Western civilization and heritage, emphasizing primary sources and education in the classical liberal arts, mathematics, the sciences, and the fine arts.
The curriculum will seek to develop and encourage the student's individual intellectual capacity to understand through fostering an openness to truth and the skill of observation, including use of the scientific method; through the use of memory work, repetition, imagination, manipulatives, and hands-on experience; and through exercising thinking and decision-making skills including induction, quantitative (mathematical) abstraction, intuition, understanding, judgment, logic, deduction, analysis, composition, division, comparison, and synthesis, all in order to lead the student to perceive inter-relationships among subjects and to be able to integrate the knowledge learned in the classroom and apply it with charity, creativity, clarity, and effectiveness within his or her daily life.
Wood Rose Academy Foundational Plan
Elementary School Subjects, Texts, and Topics
The subjects of study are essentially derived from the seven classical liberal arts. The subjects in the Elementary are: religion, natural history, math, literature, language arts, history, spanish, latin, philosophy, music, art, art history, and physical education.
The subjects of study are essentially derived from the seven classical liberal arts. The subjects in the Elementary are: religion, natural history, math, literature, language arts, history, spanish, latin, phylosophy, music, art, art history, and physical education.
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